Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Woman's Junk Another Boy's Entertainment

Mason and Ethan found these cups under the sink while I was getting some supplies out. They are from various bars we've been to when Matt and I have gotten inebriated and thought it would be funny to get the light-up souvenir glasses for our beer. Walking around like a couple of goobs with strobe lights coming from our beer glass...what a great idea! The boys thought so. They kept turning off the lights in the house and projecting the strobes onto the walls and they even went so far as to think of doing it to music! They turned on our stereo in our bedroom and started dancing and raving in the hallway. Pretty funny! I had to crop the pictures since this party was just after bath time and they weren't in jammies yet. They were absolutely mesmerized and used them for the next week. We're having to do a lot of cleaning and purging with our upcoming move and after 3 years a lot of accumulation has occurred. I am by no means a pack rat and looking under the beds and in closets I'm getting an awful itch. I can't stand to see things I don't use anymore but I also can't stand to throw away something I'm sure I'll use at some point. Take my Ab Roller for instance. Where on earth would I get such a crazy idea to purchase (yes, actually pay money) a blue pad on rollers where you have a very high possibility of injuring yourself just getting on the thing before you even start any sort of self-improvement. Once you've made yourself as uncomfortable as possible, legs supposedly planted firmly on the ground in order to push your weight back with, but more likely they're flailing in the air like an overturned turtle, you can then begin yelling for the Icy/Hot to the nearest person. I'm completely at a loss as to where your arms go at this point because there's no way there's room in the tiny spaces they've provided for you. So I'm listing it on Craig's List for some other stay-at-home mom in dire need of entertainment or just a cheap chiropractic visit.

1 comment:

Princess Jen said...

OMG we have those too!!!!!!!!! Why save them??? Great idea!