Saturday, June 14, 2008

Showtimes Every Hour: Feedings at Noon and 5:00pm Don't Miss It!

The Baldwin Boys themselves, Mason and Ethan
Picture taken at the 11:00 showing. Ethan was throwing in various plastic sea life then jumping in after them after which he proceeded to circle the see-through tank over and over again.
Yes, who needs the Barrier Reef when you can have the backyard inflatable Rainbow Pool?
Mason gearing up for the big dive of the day.
Ethan and his Scooby Doo goggles is ready to go boogie boarding in the bathtub-sized area pool.

Ahhhhh......all my stress melts away when I watch them play with such abandon. Granted, it's not the large pool in the backyard we'd like to have in Florida but then again we won't be in FL but for another two weeks so hey... they're happy.

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