Friday, April 11, 2008

See See Oh, Playmate...

Mason and Reece are best friends. They always say that they wish they were brothers. I think to myself "Yeah, if you were brothers you might not get along as well as you do!" I keep that to myself though as I don't want to spoil their last 3 months together. It makes me so sad to know that we will be leaving soon. It's exciting and it's sad too. Most of our friends have already done us the honors of leaving us first but now it's our turn which makes it harder. I look at Mason and Reece and wonder how long it will be before they stop asking about the other. How big of an impression have they made on each others' lives? I know it's different for me. Watching them grow up together and play shapes my memory and impression that they are fast friends who enjoy wrestling, reading books (Mason more than Reece), collecting bugs, swinging on each others' swingsets and watching Scoopy Doopy Doo (yes-I spelled it the way Mason says it) together. I am curious to hear their stories of one another later on in the year. After our first or second visit!!

1 comment:

Princess Jen said...

awwwww...and that's what makes moving so hard. It's not US, it's them. :-)